Friday, November 13, 2015

Write a C++/ Python program to capture signal using ARM Cortex A5/A9/M4 ADC and signal generator, generate/construct a Square/Sine wave of programmable frequency and voltage Draw Voltage (y-axis) and Time (x-axis) graph. Write a function to emulate simple RC filter with R being Trim-pot(GUI meter) of 10K and C = 0.1 microFarad. Write a program to generate a Voltage-Time response curve with reference to change in R. Draw the resultant outcome graph. Store the data in SAN (BIGDATA).

import Adafruit_BBIO.ADC as ADC
import time


while True:
value ="P9_30")
voltage = value * 1.8 


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Perform a suitable assignment using Xen Hypervisor or equivalent open source to configure it. Give necessary GUI.

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