from sys import argv
mp = {}
list_statement = []
replace = {}
not_used = []
class ExternalNode():
variable_identifier = ''
def __init__(self, identifier):
self.variable_identifier = identifier
class InternalNode():
variable_identifier = ''
operator_value = ''
lchild = None
rchild = None
def __init__(self, val, l, r, id):
self.operator_value = val
self.lchild = l
self.rchild = r
self.variable_identifier = id
def read_input(file_name):
file_var = open(file_name, 'r').read().strip().split("\n")
for line in file_var:
if len(line)>=6 and line[:6] == "return":
line = line.split(":=")
value = line[0].strip()
line [1] = line[1].strip().split(" ")
first = line[1][0]
operator = line[1][1]
second = line[1][2]
if (operator == '=') or (not first in mp):
temp_var = ExternalNode(first)
mp[first] = temp_var
replace[first] = first
if not second in mp:
temp_var = ExternalNode(second)
mp[second] = temp_var
replace[second] = second
var = InternalNode(operator, mp[first], mp[second], value)
mp[value] = var
replace[value] = value
def print_code():
for st in list_statement:
if not st in not_used:
print mp[st].variable_identifier + " = " + replace[mp[st].lchild.variable_identifier] + " " + mp[st].operator_value + " " + replace[mp[st].rchild.variable_identifier]
def optimise():
for i in range(len(list_statement)):
for j in range(i, len(list_statement)):
st = list_statement[i]
st2 = list_statement[j]
if mp[st].lchild == mp[st2].lchild and mp[st].rchild == mp[st2].rchild and mp[st].operator_value == mp[st2].operator_value:
replace[st2] = replace[st]
if st2 != st:
if __name__ == "__main__":
file_name = "intermediate_code"
if len(argv) == 2:
file_name = argv[1]
filename: intermediate_code
t1 := a + b
t2 := c * t1
t3 := a + b
t4 := d * t3
t5 := t2 + t4
t6 := r = t5
t7 := t3 + a
t0 := a = t4
t8 := a + b
t9 := a + b
t10 := t9 + a
t11 := a = l
t12 := a + b
t13 := a + b
t14 := j + t13
Amols-Air:b4 Darwin$ python
t1 = a + b
t2 = c * t1
t4 = d * t1
t5 = t2 + t4
t6 = r = t5
t7 = t1 + a
t0 = a = t4
t8 = a + b
t10 = t8 + a
t11 = a = l
t12 = a + b
t14 = j + t12
from sys import argv
mp = {}
list_statement = []
replace = {}
not_used = []
class ExternalNode():
variable_identifier = ''
def __init__(self, identifier):
self.variable_identifier = identifier
class InternalNode():
variable_identifier = ''
operator_value = ''
lchild = None
rchild = None
def __init__(self, val, l, r, id):
self.operator_value = val
self.lchild = l
self.rchild = r
self.variable_identifier = id
def read_input(file_name):
file_var = open(file_name, 'r').read().strip().split("\n")
for line in file_var:
if len(line)>=6 and line[:6] == "return":
line = line.split(":=")
value = line[0].strip()
line [1] = line[1].strip().split(" ")
first = line[1][0]
operator = line[1][1]
second = line[1][2]
if (operator == '=') or (not first in mp):
temp_var = ExternalNode(first)
mp[first] = temp_var
replace[first] = first
if not second in mp:
temp_var = ExternalNode(second)
mp[second] = temp_var
replace[second] = second
var = InternalNode(operator, mp[first], mp[second], value)
mp[value] = var
replace[value] = value
def print_code():
for st in list_statement:
if not st in not_used:
print mp[st].variable_identifier + " = " + replace[mp[st].lchild.variable_identifier] + " " + mp[st].operator_value + " " + replace[mp[st].rchild.variable_identifier]
def optimise():
for i in range(len(list_statement)):
for j in range(i, len(list_statement)):
st = list_statement[i]
st2 = list_statement[j]
if mp[st].lchild == mp[st2].lchild and mp[st].rchild == mp[st2].rchild and mp[st].operator_value == mp[st2].operator_value:
replace[st2] = replace[st]
if st2 != st:
if __name__ == "__main__":
file_name = "intermediate_code"
if len(argv) == 2:
file_name = argv[1]
filename: intermediate_code
t1 := a + b
t2 := c * t1
t3 := a + b
t4 := d * t3
t5 := t2 + t4
t6 := r = t5
t7 := t3 + a
t0 := a = t4
t8 := a + b
t9 := a + b
t10 := t9 + a
t11 := a = l
t12 := a + b
t13 := a + b
t14 := j + t13
Amols-Air:b4 Darwin$ python
t1 = a + b
t2 = c * t1
t4 = d * t1
t5 = t2 + t4
t6 = r = t5
t7 = t1 + a
t0 = a = t4
t8 = a + b
t10 = t8 + a
t11 = a = l
t12 = a + b
t14 = j + t12
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