Problem Statement: 8251
Perform an experiment to establish communication between two 8251 systems A and B. Program 8251
system A in asynchronous transmitter mode and 8251 system B in asynchronous receiver mode. Write an
ALP to transmit the data from system A and receive the data at system B. The requirements are as follows:
• message is stored as ASCII characters in the memory.
• message specifies the number of characters to be transmitted as the first byte.
• Message is retrieved and stored in the memory.
• Successful reception should be indicated.
• message is stored as ASCII characters in the memory.
• message specifies the number of characters to be transmitted as the first byte.
• Message is retrieved and stored in the memory.
• Successful reception should be indicated.
0000:2050 MOV DI, 2010
0000:2052 MOV SI, 2000
0000:2054 MOV CX, 05
0000:2056 MOV AL, 4D
0000:2058 OUT 31, AL
0000:205A OUT 29, AL
0000:205C MOV AL, 03
0000:205F OUT 31, AL
0000:2061 MOV AL, 24
0000:2063 OUT 29, AL
0000:2066 MOV AL, [SI]
0000:2068 OUT 30, AL
0000:206A IN AL, 29
0000:206D AND AL,02
0000:206F JZ 206A
0000:2071 IN AL, 28
0000:2074 MOV [DI], AL
0000:2076 INC SI
0000:2078 INC DI
0000:207D JNZ
0000:207F INT 3
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